Taking The MyTEFL Course: A complete guide

For numerous people, teaching English presents an exciting opportunity to travel, work overseas, and make a difference. Whether you plan to instruct online or instruct English abroad, having a TEFL certification can give you numerous much more employment opportunities.

In this post, I’ll break down everything you need to know about the popular (and affordable) TEFL company: MyTEFL. 

Why Do You need a TEFL Certification?
Why choose MyTEFL?
Online certification vs. In-Person Certification 
MyTEFL Internships
Is There Anything Else MyTEFL Includes?
Cost of MyTEFL Courses
Pros and Cons of MyTEFL
Who Can Take This TEFL Course?
How To sign Up For The MyTEFL Course
Ready To get TEFL Certified?!

Why Do You need a TEFL Certification?

Getting TEFL certified can open the door to abundant teaching online and teaching abroad opportunities.TEFL certification will make you eligible for much more jobs in much more places. It can also allow you to potentially work out a higher pay rate. 

Overall, TEFL certification courses instruct you how to be a better English educator. You’ll learn how to manage a classroom, plan lessons, and help your students thrive. These skills will make your life as a teacher much much more enjoyable. 

Quite often, in purchase to get a job teaching English in a foreign country, you’ll need a120-hour TEFL Certification. To get a job as an online English tutor, you’ll need either a teaching degree or a TEFL certification (or both in some cases). 

While this requirement may sound daunting for people new to the teaching world, don’t worry! TEFL courses like the one with MyTEFL make it easy for you to get the required certification rapidly and affordably. 

☞ Don’t miss our article: 7 best online TEFL courses For English Teachers

Why choose MyTEFL?

MyTEFL is known for being a premium TEFL program at a lower price point.

With full accreditation, job placement assistance, and a variety of online and in-person courses, it’s no wonder MyTEFL has amazing student reviews across the web. 

Both the in-person and online TEFL courses with My TEFL cover the same essential information: 

Teaching foundations and classroom management

How to instruct English speaking, listening, writing, and reading to ESL students

How to plan lessons and what activities to use in the classroom

Grammar review and best practices

How to create tests and assessments

At the end of the course, you’ll receive an certified TEFL certification that will qualify you for teaching jobs around the world!

Online certification vs. In-Person Certification 

One perk of My TEFL is that they offer both in-person and online TEFL certification opportunities.

If you want to explore a new destination while you get certified and want hands-on training, an in-person course is the way to go. 

If you need a course that is flexible with your schedule and less expensive, the online course is a terrific option. 

MyTEFL online Courses

There are several online courses available. You can choose between: 

40-hour basic Course

60-hour conventional Course

80-hour advanced Course

120-hour professional course

If you’re major about teaching abroad or online, you ought to sign up for the 120-hour training. numerous teaching companies require a minimum of a 120-hour certification, so you might not be eligible for your dream job if you take a shorter class. 

The 120-hour online course is self-paced and features extensive modules. online tutor support and feedback on your assignments are included as well.

When you complete the course, you’ll receive an certified TEFL certificate, a letter of recommendation, and a lifetime of job search guidance.

You’ll have three months to complete your online course and six months to access the material. 

MyTEFL In-Person Courses

MyTEFL provides 120-hour in-person courses in Thailand, Argentina, and Spain. courses last between three and four weeks depending on the location. 

Thailand In-Person Courses: The Thailand courses take place in either Hua Hin or Chiang Mai. The MyTEFL program fee includes airport pick up, three weeks of accommodation walking distance to the TEFL training location, and job placement support in Thailand after completing the course. 

The Thailand onsite courses include the following: 

120-hour TEFL course and training

Lesson plan creation and collaboration

Real-world activities and lessons that can be used while teaching

Classroom observations 

Thai cultural studies

Travel excursions like going to a temple, taking a Muay Thai lesson, and touring a pineapple plantation 

Argentina In-Person Courses: If Argentina is much more your style, you can get certified in the dynamic city of Buenos Aires. MyTEFL courses in Argentina last four weeks and your course fee includes airport pick up, accommodation, in-person teaching practice, a resume writing workshop, and job search help in Buenos Aires after completion.

The Argentina onsite courses include the following:

120-hour TEFL course and training

Classroom observations

Chances to practice teaching with real students

Lesson plan creation and collaboration 

Spain In-Person Courses: You can also get TEFL certified in Barcelona, Spain. The Barcelona TEFL course lasts for four weeks and the fee in-person teaching experience and workshops about your job search and hiring process. 

Accommodation support is provided.

The Spain onsite courses include the following:

120-hour TEFL course and training

Create and collaborate on lesson plans and activities

Classroom observations 

Classroom management skills 

MyTEFL Internships

In addition to providing in-person and online TEFL courses, MyTEFL provides a variety of TEFL internships around the world.

Some of these internships are paid and some are volunteer, but all offer you with a chance to get experience before finding a teaching job on your own. 

These internship opportunities can help your application stand out, especially if you’re new to teaching or don’t have a degree.

Thailand Internship 

For the six-month Thailand Internship, you’ll start by taking the 120-hour MyTEFL course online before you head to Thailand.

After completing the course, you’ll travel to Thailand where you’ll complete one week of orientation and receive your job placement. 

Job placements are paid and MyTEFL will be there to help you get everything set up. To qualify for this internship, you should be between the ages of 20 and 50 and hold a passport from a native English speaking country. 

Myanmar Internship

MyTEFL also provides three-month, six-month, and twelve-month paid internships in Myanmar. You’ll take the 120-hour TEFL course before you leave and then head to Myanmar for orientation and on-site training. 

You can request the length of internship that works for you and all Myanmar placements are paid. To participate in the Myanmar internship, you should be between the ages of 19 and 45. You also should be a native English speaker from an English-speaking country. 

Argentina Internship

In the four-month Argentina Internship program, you’ll start by taking the 120-hour TEFL course at home and then fly to Buenos Aires for orientation. After completing orientation, you’ll be placed with a host family near your teaching assignment. 

Because the Argentina Internship features a homestay element, your meals and accommodations are included. teachers will also receive a monthly stipend and Spanish lessons.

Applicants for the Argentina internship should be between the ages of 20 and 41 and hold a bachelor’s degree. 

South Africa Internship

This one-month volunteer internship will take you to the fascinating town of Port Elizabeth, South Africa. You’ll complete your 120-hour TEFL training online before departing and once you arrive you’ll work as a volunteer teacher, tutor, or mentor. 

Meals, accommodation, and transportation are all offered to participants so you can focus on acquiring experience and making a difference. 

Is There Anything Else MyTEFL Includes?

MyTEFL is much more than just a certification course. After you’ve completed your course, you’ll have access to additional features through their program. 

Job search and placement Assistance

MyTEFL includes job search guidance. once you’ve finished your course, MyTEFL can help you find a job and get hired. even better, this job placement support is good for life! 

MyTEFL job placement support includes:

Help with cover letters and CVs when applying for teaching jobs

Vetting employers to make sure students are in a safe and reputable placement

Helping MyTEFL graduates connect with the best employers where they want to go

In reading student reviews of MyTEFL, numerous people discussed how effective and fast this job placement support was. With its broad range of connections, the MyTEFL team is quick to help graduates find a placement that works for them. 

Carta de recomendação

A letter of recommendation is offered upon completion. When you finish your TEFL course, MyTEFL will offer you with a letter of recommendation and a breakdown of what material you covered in your course. This can be valuable when applying to competitive teaching jobs. 

Doações de caridade

My TEFL makes charitable donations. each time a student enrolls in an certified course, MyTEFL makes a donation to an essential cause. You can check out the MyTEFL site to read much more about the charities that they support. 

Internships Are Available

As I discussed above, once you’ve completed the MyTEFL course, you can participate in a number of paid and volunteer internship opportunities around the world. This is a terrific option if you don’t have a degree or don’t have any experience and want to build up your CV.

Right now, MyTEFL provides internships in the following locations

Thailand (six-month paid internship)

Myanmar (six-month paid internship)

Argentina (five-month internship with a stipend and incluiu acomodação de casa de família)

África do Sul (estágio voluntário de um mês)

Custo dos cursos de Mytefl

O preço do curso on-line de TEFL é muito menor que os cursos pessoais (por razões aparentes), aqui está um colapso.

Curso online

Os cursos on -line com o MYTELL variam de US $ 139 a US $ 299.

O MyTefl normalmente executa descontos no site deles, portanto, verifique se você se inscreve. Atualmente, eles estão fornecendo às cabras nos leitores da estrada um desconto de 35% usando o código “Goats35” no checkout! Clique aqui para mais detalhes.

Cursos pessoais

Os cursos pessoais com MYTELL custam entre US $ 1900 e US $ 2200. Eles exigem um depósito de US $ 500 a US $ 600 para reservar seu espaço.

Aqui está a quebra de preço para cada local:

Tailândia: preço total de US $ 1900 (você pagará um depósito de US $ 498 para proteger seu lugar)

Argentina: preço total de US $ 1980 (você pagará um depósito de US $ 495 para proteger seu lugar)

Espanha: preço total de US $ 2195 (você pagará um depósito de US $ 549 para proteger seu lugar)

Esse custo não inclui passagens aéreas, vacinas ou despesas diárias enquanto você está no local. Para os cursos da Argentina e da Tailândia, esse preço inclui acomodações. As acomodações não estão incluídas no curso da Espanha no local.

Prós e contras de mytefl

Como em qualquer coisa, existem prós e contras em receber a certificação pela MyTelf.

Mytefl Pros

Um dos benefícios mais significativos do curso on-line de 120 horas é que ele não possui um cronograma definido. Isso implica que você pode concluir seu curso TEFL sempre que funcionar para você.

Muitas pessoas trabalham para obter a certificação TEFL, mantendo um emprego convencional. O MYTELL facilita a realocação para a certificação, mesmo com uma agenda lotada.

O MYTELL tem excelentes revisões de alunos em várias plataformas de ensino no exterior. Os alunos normalmente mencionam como este curso é um acordo fantástico para o preço e como o material era fácil de seguir.

Como você pode acessar os materiais do seu curso em vários dispositivos diferentes, é possível trabalhar no seu curso a partir de um telefone ou tablet. Isso é ótimo para os professores que normalmente estão em movimento.

Em geral, Mytefl é um dos cursos TEFL mais acessíveis do mundo. Você pode obter uma certificação TEFL totalmente certificada por pouco menos de US $ 300, o que é muito difícil de vencer!

Mytefl Contras

A desvantagem mais significativa do MyTELL é que, se você optar por fazer um curso on-line, não receberá nenhum treinamento prático. Isso implica que você pode precisar organizar sua própria experiência prática de forma independente, o que pode ser um desafio.

Se você optar por fazer um curso pessoal, terá uma experiência útil. Mas, neste momento, os cursos on -line do Mytefl não têm um componente de ensino útil.

Também não há um projeto ou avaliação final com este curso.

Enquanto alguns podem ver isso como uma coisa boa, o final do curso pode parecer abrupto. Adicionar um projeto ou exame final pode dar aos alunos a chance de demonstrar seu novo conhecimento.

Faltam amostras de vídeos de ensino ao longo do curso e, embora existam alguns elementos de vídeo nos módulos, seria bom ver vídeos de como as lições completas parecem em uma sala de aula real.

Finalmente, outra desvantagem é que a biblioteca de recursos do curso está disponível apenas por seis meses após a conclusão do curso.

Quem pode fazer este curso TEFL?

Qualquer pessoa que seja um falante fluente de inglês pode fazer esse curso TEFL. Está tudo bem se você não é um falante nativo, mas deve ser proficiente e confortável se comunicando fluentemente no idioma inglês.

Obter certificação TEFL pode resultar em oportunidades de ensino, mesmo que você não tenha experiência convencional em educação.

Se você tem uma certificação TEFL, há lugares onde não precisará de um diploma ou experiência em sala de aula para conseguir um emprego ensinando inglês.

Como se inscrever no curso Mytefl

Para se inscrever em um programa TEFL on -line, clique na guia “Cursos” no menu superior e selecione “Cursos on -line”. Em cada uma das ofertas do curso, você verá um botão onde pode se inscrever.

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